I love tiramisu and any coffee flavoured desserts. When TIM HORTONS came out with the TIRAMISU DONUT I just had to get my hands on it an review it. Its an average sized filled donut. On top it has a white glaze, chocolate sauce drizzle, brown powder ( either coffee or cocoa or a mix of both ) and mine had three roasted coffee beans as well. Most other reviewers I watched had only 2 roasted coffee beans on top of their TIM HORTONS TIRAMISU DONUT . Its definitely one of the better looking and more nicely decorated donuts I’ve seen . It smells absolutely heavenly of coffee. The first bite there was no cream filling and it tasted just like a delicious regular glazed donut. With the second bite the cream filling came out. It was a beige colour cream with a mild coffee flavour to it. The coffee beans on top were crunchy, sweet and very strongly coffee flavoured and definitely helped out with giving the donut its coffee flavour. Sweet , creamy , fresh , but rather a weak coffee flavour.