Am I crazy? Well I haven’t been diagnosed yet so the jury is out on that one !!! Why am I even doubting my own sanity right now, you ask ? Because I went out and ordered the STARBUCKS MIDNIGHT MINT MOCHA CREME FRAPPUCCINO. Wait a second now !!! Are you now doubting my sanity as well ?! Then you have probably seen my other video reviewing the STARBUCKS MIDNIGHT MOCHA FRAPPUCCINO and wondering, aren’t these drinks the same? No and Yes. The name is different, but that is as far as the differences go. In fact the texture and flavour are exactly one and the same !!! This drink is extremely chocolatey and mocha flavoured. Very creamy and smooth in texture and extremely cold !!!! The extreme cold is in my opinion due to the mint crystals , which btw do not give the drink any mint flavouring or scent at all. So my final verdict? Delicious, smooth and creamy and extremely cold !
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