I love flavoured chips. Or at least I love trying flavoured chips. Some get the flavour right on and some miss it. I have never had marinara before, but when I saw the RUFFLES ad on tv for its MOZZARELLA ’N MARINARA chips ,something just told me I had to have it. You can see a lot of spice bits on the chips. There isn’t much of a colour to the chips. The chips had an ( for me ) unusual and interesting scent to them. Since I have never had marinara before I can’t tell if the scent was true to marinara or not. The chips along with that interesting scent smells very cheesy. There is a good amount of mozzarella, garlic and onion flavours. There is a hint of tomato and sauce flavour, but it comes through after you have a few of the chips ( not as strong as the cheese flavour, but I wish it was ). To me these yummy chips tasted a little like pizza as well. An overall good flavour
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