Food Taster TV
2 min readMay 7, 2017


I have been looking and looking and looking for over 10 days now !!! As the case is with us in Canada, we don’t usually get the latest and newest products or variations of products as soon as folks in the US do. But non the less I really wanted to get my hands on the CARAMEL M&M’S to try for myself and review it for y’all. Finally i found it at our local WALMART 6 days into its officially release and almost 12 days after some lucky Americans who got it earlier than the official release date. Now you might be wondering, dude its just m&m’s and not gold or even an apple product to why don’t ya chill? You are right !!! But im a foodie and i get easily excited about these things. So I got my hands on a bag.

The CARAMEL M&M’S just like all other flavoured M&M’S are chunky and shapeless, maybe even slightly chunkier than other flavoured m&m’s. They are colourful and beautiful and I could sense a slight caramel scent from them even before biting into them. When I bit into them I realized that the imagery on the packaging is a bit deceptive. On the bag they give you the image that the caramel in these is the liquidy elasticy type you see in candy bars such as CARMELOS . In fact

its the total opposite. The caramel is the chewy type and it tends to stick to teeth a little bit. Its coated in a thick milk chocolate layer and a crunchy shell. As soon as I tried it I said to myself MARS chocolate bar !!! To me it tasted like that. I told my friend who had also tried CARAMEL M&M’S and she disagreed with me. Her opinion is that the texture of the caramel as well as its flavour and the over all chocolate and caramel flavour of CARAMEL M&M’S is a lot like TWIX. I totally see her point as well. To me in terms of texture and flavour its between MARS bars and TWIX. Because its coated in a thick milk chocolate flavour, the chocolate flavour comes through very good and as does the caramel flavour. Neither over powers the other one. The shell seems to be slightly crunchier than regular m&m’s but not as crunchy as NESTLE SMARTIES shells are. My mom wasn’t a fan at all but my dad enjoyed it, however he said they are too sweet. I agree that they are too sweet but after all its caramel and milk chocolate !!! Its going to be on the sweet side for sure. My final verdict was that I enjoyed them overall.

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