Food Taster TV
1 min readAug 12, 2017


Caramel filled chocolate is very common here in North America. What is rare thought is the opposite. Chocolate filled caramel candies. It seems that in Europe this creation not only exists, but is rather popular. Several companies make it and have called it ECLAIRS. In North America an ECLAIR is a long donut filled with cream on the inside and dipped in chocolate on the outside. As soon as I saw that our local WALMART is carrying the CADBURY ECLAIRS CLASSIC, I had to buy a bag right away and try and review it. It comes in a purple , typical to CADBURY design colour palette, stand up pouch. They are individually wrapped pieces. At first sight when you open it up the candy looks just like any other normal caramel candy. Shiny, caramel coloured and average in size. The candy was very hard and sticky. I don’t now if it was hard cause it had gone stale, didn’t taste stale, or its just normally hard. Hard enough that I couldn’t bite it and look to see what the middle looks like. The caramel tasted really good and the chocolate filling was definitely present taste wise. The chocolate tasted good and was high quality milk chocolate. The chocolate was was very smooth, creamy and perfectly sweet. Overall a good expense in terms of flavour, if you could handle how hard and sticky it was.

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